Yes folks, you read the title correctly; it does have to do with the most hated topic ever - "Doomsday". I am a new blogger here and naturally I intend begin with brief introduction to myself and to elucidate the subject of my subsequent posts from now on. As the title of this post suggest, I am a "Doomer" or a "Doomsdayer", who are a very hated minority in this world. In reality, there are many kinds of doomers; some believe in religious prophecies and wait for an ultimate day of doom, others look in the evolution of mankind or Earth or universe to reach a final conclusion, which is common to all the doomers, that eventually there will be a time when "the world as we understand will eventually end". Being a doomer is not always bad. The doomers are people who usually have a very good observation and a sharp analytical skill. It is wrong to say that doomers are pessimists, which might be true in many cases and might be wrong in others. Some doomers could be the most optimistic people ever on Earth (seriously!). Being a doomer, one is ever aware of of the dangers that surround him/her in everyday life, in everyday activities. To give an analogy, consider a man who is going inside a heavy engineering factory. A normal man would just move inside and do his business. A doomer would first think of the dangers inside, like the heavy equipment attached to the roof which could fall (and the doomer would be prepared to move aside if that happens) or the intense sparks coming from a welding process nearby etc. He would analyze the possible dangers and in advance think of its solutions. Like a cat, a doomer is always vigilant of the world and its conspiracies. Of course, normal people wouldn't want to "waste so much time" and would rather be moving around normally or while dreaming. I am not saying that there are disadvantages, but those are few compared to its advantages. I am a rational "doomer" (at least I think so) who observes the events of the worlds and tries to find the direction where the world is moving to. In other words, you can call me a trends analyst. I analyze the trends of the world and draw conclusions from it in the form of the next course of events.
And since the last few years, I am looking at a not very positive future according to the trends of the world. The changes in the world are accelerating, chaos is increasing, world population is rapidly moving towards its sustainable limits, crime is increasing, weather is deteriorating and the political scenario is again movie tense. Of course, everyone knows about the disastrous events of 2008 - Chinese Earthquake, Terrorist attacks in many places (including Mumbai), Hurricanes in USA, the Financial Collapse of the USA etc etc. It was certainly a disastrous year, but more is to come (unfortunately) this year and subsequently. Of course, these things have been happening since ages - these calamities, wars and other misfortunes of the world - but only in the recent times have all these been happening with so much succession and all at once. They say when disaster strikes, it strikes from all directions.
The most popular doomsday date is given by the ancient Mayan prophecies, as many of you must already be aware of, to be 21st December 2012. The ancient Mayans were a very advanced civilization of the Central America, and are still a mystery because very little is known about them even now. But from recent research it has been confirmed that their knowledge of astronomy was the most advanced of their times and perhaps even the current times. They had a very long calendar comprising of around 26,000 years which is going to end on 21st Dec 2012 (or 23rd according to other calculations). This is interpreted by many western researchers of Mayan civilization as the prophetic date when the "world is going to end" (you can interpret this phrase in your own ways). Some remote Mayan elders like Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj (Wandering Wolf) and many others have been lecturing American public about the "shift of ages" that has been foretold by many of his elders and passed from generations to generations. Then there are other native American Indians from the North America who speak of great changes that are going to come (and which are disastrous); Refer to this
The Aztecs and the Incas are also other American civilizations that had prophesized an end of the world.
There was man called Terrence Mckenna who studied the Chinese "Book of changes" called I-Ching . This is supposed to be an ancient Chinese book of divination which can make prophecies and predict future, and is supposed to be around 4000 years old. Terrence Mckenna wrote a computer program from the sequence of 64 Hexagrams of I-Ching, and his results were completely astonishing. His results were in the form of a graph with time axis on the horizontal axis and a "random" unit on the vertical axis which showed the intensity of world events. According to this result, the graph converged to zero near the Mayan end time. He interpreted this as the time when the world should end. Of course, these methods are open to scrutiny and one need not believe in them directly. There is a third source which predicts doomsday - the webbot project. Web bot is a program that was designed in the early 90s by some geeks which was supposed to predict the stock trends intially. The exact reasoning behind their code can be seen in Later they started noticing that their code was predicting much more than stock trends, which also encouraged them to enhance their code to predict future events. They call themselves "Time monks" and according to their recent finding, 2012 would be a very very disastrous year. You can read more about their methods in their website.
These were the conventional doomsday theories and there are many more including some very ludicrous and preposterous ones. But I do not necessarily believe in that, being a rationalist as I am. I believe that the world will certainly move through a turning point which would change the course of mankind (perhaps in a disastrous way), and this need not happen in 2012; but certainly in the near future. The recent trends that have been catching most of my attention is the financial collapse of America and its after effects in the global economy. It has already led to very dire consequence in many places; like the government of Ireland has been overthrown; Bulgaria, Hungary, Latvia etc are just other countries which have more or less collapsed and have civil unrest going on there at the moment. There are many people who are predicting a catastrophic great depression in the near future. Among the most prominent ones who predict such collapse of global economy are Gerald Celente (founder of Trends Research Institute), Peter Schiff (economist), Max Keiser, Marc Faber and Ron Paul to name just a few. Gerald Celente is a very important trends forecaster. He has been in this trends business since more than two decades and has a very brilliant track record of predicting in advance such big events like the collapse of Soviet Union, dot com bubble, recession of 90-91 etc among others. And his predictions happen to be the most dire ones too. He says "by 2012 USA will be an underdeveloped country". Peter Schiff is a respectable economist who predicted this financial collapse well in advance in 2006 when other economists were laughing at him during TV debates in the US. Gerald Celente had also already predicted this financial collapse a few years ago. Last month he had said in a famous TV interview that there are going to be food revolutions, tax revolutions etc, in the US soon.
One thing is for sure, this recession (which is actually a depression already) is very serious and is being underplayed by the mainstream media everywhere. No one reporting the immense number of job losses everywhere in the world, the collapse of industries etc. Corruption has crept in everywhere and the class differences have also been widening since the last few years now. I go with Gerald Celente, who predicts that soon there is going to be a revolution in America against the government, which, according to him, is turning fascist. Just for fun, there is a political scientist in Russia called Igor Panarin who is even predicting the disintegration of USA into different republics just like the disintegration of USSR that happened decades ago! Certainly, the economic situation is very tense and though it will very likely fall more and more in the near future, I hope that it doesn't, and gets back to the progressive track again.
Now coming to the last and most important field of events related to environment and weather. Natural calamities, as every vigilant earthling must be aware of , have been more rapid since the last few years. In this year itself, there had been Australian wildfires, Italian Earthquake, Storm and Tornadoes in the USA (yesterday) etc etc. It seems as though the Earth is reacting to something. If it wasn't enough, a few weeks ago there have been two instances on which big asteroids just nearly missed hitting earth by a mere 60,000 KM! It seems that even the heavens are angry at us for some reason! Besides these, there has been global warming and the melting of ice caps in Antartica and Artic. Astronomers and Solar physicists from around the world have already concluded the the Sun is the "quietest" at the moment and will be most active at around 2011-12. Sun's activity is measure in terms of its storms, and in the present times there are no sun storms. But since these storms move into cycles of 11 years, their peak will certainly come after a few years. NASA has confirmed about these Solar storms which are going to peak in the 2011-12 time frame. Lets hope the Earth becomes a quiet place once again and we never have to face such disastrous calamaties in future.
It was nice writing this article and I can assure you that if I were to include all the disaster events and scenarios, this post would have gone till hundreds of pages. There are just too many things going on on Earth now! But I am happy that I have cautioned many people by this article. And in future I am going to update this blog with my reflections of the trends and current events that are going on in this world.
Nice article HimalayanSpirit. I am not much into doomsday theories and UFO's, but you do sound serious.:-) Let's hope the dooms day is actually a 'surprising pleasant' one. This is possible isn't it?
ReplyDeleteThis news goes along with your predictions
ReplyDeleteStorm system ravages southern US
Tornadoes and wildfires fuelled by strong winds have caused widespread destruction in the southern US, leaving at least eight people dead.
"This one popped out of nowhere," said Polk County Sheriff Mike Oglesby.
ReplyDeleteA 'surprising pleasant' scenario is possible too. Buddha Boy Ramjon is going to appear on 2012 from his meditations or perhaps humans might be contacted by Extraterrestrials soon. Anything is possible!
But disastrous course of events seem to be inevitable. There has been too much peace in this world for some time now (not that I do not love peace :p) and I believe in cycles.
ur a damn fool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!