Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Glorious Rakshasas: A forgotten Race

Rakshasas, in the present days, is more or less synonymous with the term "demon", "beast" or "man-eaters", but this is only because of the thousands of years of propaganda spread by those who were anti-Rakshasas and who wanted to invade their lands in India. Rakshasas have a bad name among the Indians in the present times mostly because of the false mythological stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata. These epics portrayed the Rakshasas as an evil race which should perpetually be eliminated by the Indo-Aryans who wanted to spread their influence and power all over India. Nothing could be far from truth. As is known, history is written by the winners; and in this case, the winners were the Indo-Aryan tribes who migrated from Central Asia. After gaining power and influence they started, like in every case of invasion, to impose their language, religion and culture. It was because of this that the Rakshasas ended up having a negative image amongst the masses. But still, this is not necessarily true everywhere in India. There are some tribes in India which worship Ravan, the famous king of Rakshasas; and the same tribe is known for cherishing a hatred towards the Ramayana hero Rama. In fact, the original Ramayana written by Valmiki, itself doesn't portray the Rakshasas in completely dark light, and this book had also glorified the wealth and knowledge of the Rakshasas which the Indo-Aryans envied thoroughly.

I am writing this article the remove the shade of darkness that has descended over the glorious Rakshasa race because of the vicious disinformation campaign of the masses by the ruling classes since thousands of years. Firstly, from a common sense point of view itself, it can be shown that Ravan, the Rakshasa king, was far more virtuous than the epic hero Rama. Ravan was supposed to have kidnapped Sita while Ram, Sita and Laxman (Rama's brother) had retreated to the jungles. Ravan kept Sita for several years in his kingdom and he had all the power on Earth to take advantage of her (she was described as very beautiful even by Ravan). But he never did so; he never laid a single finger on her. On the other hand, Rama, the husband of Sita, was so insecure about his own image and had lacked a trust in his own wife that he banished her from his kindgom just to please some random subject of his. So, who is more virtuous? Of course, Ravan.

Now, I am going to write down the views of leading historians about Rakshasas. The motive is to show that (i) Rakshasas were not some supernatural beasts who used to eat human beings, but were themselves a native tribe of India, and (ii) Rakshasas were virtuous and glorious unlike the evil image that has been imposed on them by their enemies.

1. This is from the book "Somanatha" by leading Indian historian Romila Thapar:-

"He terms such people as barbaras/barbarians, yatudhanas/sorcerers, rakshasas and daityas/demons, and asuras. The rakshasas are said to have destroyed the temple of Svayambhurudramahakala at Shristhala. Jayasimha captures the culprit whose wife then pleads for his life and, on being released, he becomes a devoted follower of the king. These may have been people outside caste society whose land had been encroached upon and were resisting the encroachment."
[Somanatha, Thapar, Pg 107-108]

2. This is from the book "A Socio-political Study of the Valmiki Ramayana" by Ramashraya Sharma. This author has a complete chapter dedicated to Rakshasas ("The Non-Aryan people of the South").:-

"The Rakshasas belonging to the other group (viz. of Rakshasas by birth) are essentially human beings, in spite of the cloak of monstrosity and barbaric splendour imposed on them by an Aryan poet describing the culture and achievements of a hostile people. The origin of these people is to be traced to Salakatankata who is in all probability a personification of night. One important respect in which these Rakshasas are to be distinguished from the Aryans (and all other people of the Ramayana) is the 'matrilinear character' of their family life."
["A Socio-Political Study of Valmiki Ramayana", Ramashraya Sharma, Pg 217]

The author's remark is significant here because he describes the indigenous peoples of India as being matrilineal in their family life. Indo-Aryans were patrilineal since the beginning of their times, as opposed to all the native Indian peoples like Nagas, Rakshasas, Asuras etc.
The author remarks somewhere else:-

"The Rakshasas of the Ramayanic period were not only a mighty political power, but even in respect of their material wealth they were the most advanced of their times.. The abundance of gold, silver and other jewels such as sapphire, coral, pearl, diamond and ruby in the description of the town Lanka, gives in a way, the popular imagination every right to hold that the town was all made up of gold"
One can contrast the above description of the Rakshasas' opulent civilization to that of the Dasyus as described in the Rig Veda. They are also described as being highly civilized with a lot of material wealth stored among them. 'Dasyu' refers to all the non-Aryan native Indian tribes of ancient India. Therefore, Rakshasas were just one of these tribes.

Later he writes:-

"The poet aptly characterizes the Rakshasas at one place as men "predominated by intellect. One observes that as a corollary of this predominance of the intellect the Rakshasas pursued naked sensualism."
The overall chapter is a good read for anyone interested to know more about Rakshasas' as per the author's analysis. Not all of his conclusions need to be true however. I particularly disagree with his inferences about the religion of the Rakshasas.

3. Even in the Valmiki's Ramayana (which is supposed to be the original version of the epic), there is an instant where even Sita pleads for the innocent Rakshasas whom the hero Ram swears to annihilate (for no reason at all).:-

.... you are alarmingly close that sinful state to which the
ignorant are prone.... that is, killing a creature who has not
committed any offence.... O hero, my prayer is that when armed
with the bow, you are engaged in waging war against the
rakshasas, who have this forest for their home, you may never
allow yourself to slay indiscriminately those who are not to
blame." But Rama, in reply makes it clear that his killing of
the rakshaas including the rakshasa queen Tataka, is out of a
vow made to the Brahmans of the Dandakaranya forest, and thus
as part of a protection of caste hierarchy. (9)

(9.) Gail Omvedt, Dalit Visions, Orient Longman, Delhi, 2006, p.95.

From the above excerpt from Valmiki's Ramayana, it is clear that Sita had a soft heart for the Rakshasas whom his hero Rama was mercilessly killing. Another point to note is the use "you are engaged in waging war against the rakshasas, who have this forest for their home", by Sita, which shows the invasion of Rakshasa territory by the Indo-Aryan tribes.

These were only a few scholarly works by many prominent researchers of history that showed the true reality of Rakshasas; how they were being invaded by the violent Indo-Aryans and how they were being branded as evil. Perhaps Valmiki Ramayana was simply an account of the invasions by theses Central Asian tribes onto the territory of the glorious Rakshasas. As of now, there has been very little research done in this field, as, unfortunately, most of the historians are biased towards the Hindu (thus Ram) side of the story; but I am pretty sure that a deep research on Rakshasas would reveal more about the glory of the great Rakshasas.


  1. AnonymousMay 07, 2009

    wat a crap article...
    no doubt...
    you are a damn foooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!

  2. AnonymousMay 12, 2009

    What a pile of bile..
    Things bloody idiots like you and Romila Rhapar don't know are:

    1. That you guys are moron, shit-heads spreading propaganda and licking British colonial ass.

    2. Ram AND Ravan are called Aryas in the Ramayana and even the Vanars are called Aryas.

    3. Ram was a darkie (as mentioned in the Ramayana) and quiet clearly couldn't have been from a race in C. Asia.

    4. The descendants of Ravan like the people who live in a region in Kanpur and mourn Dasshera, AGREE to the events in the Ramayana.

    FINALLY, Get through your inferiority complex! :p
    Good day loser.

    1. Anonymous,

      1. I guess all you guys can do is blame the British for everything... British did this, British did that, etc...

      2. Please provide me verses where Vanaras and Ravana are called Aryas. In Sundara Kanda, Seetha calls Ravana anarya (one who is not an Aryan), and she calls Rama aryaputra (son of an Aryan).

      3. Yes he did have dark complexion. But there could be several reasons. First of all, Dashratha was not his biological father. His biological father was the yajna purusha sent by Daksha. This yajna purusha was dark red skinned. That could explain Rama's dark skin color. Anyways, krishna does not always refer to dark skinned. It sometimes has a symbolic meaning...

      4. Actually some people do worship Ravana.

      It is clearly you who has an inferiority complex and is unable to handle facts...

  3. See that? A random Hindu nazinalist flipping his wings. His head is shoved so far up his ass that he can chew his food twice.

    ""Ram AND Ravan are called Aryas in the Ramayana and even the Vanars are called Aryas.""

    Ramayana used the term "Arya" merely for 'upper caste' people and kings who kissed Rama's ass. Ravana's mother was conceived by a Brahmin, that's why he was called an Arya sometimes. Rakshas were NOT Aryans.

    "Ram was a darkie (as mentioned in the Ramayana) and quiet clearly couldn't have been from a race in C. Asia."
    His dark/bluish skin complex is more of a symbol of divinity, rather than his ethnicity. His other characteristic such as sharp nose,chin and eyes are similar more to those of Aryans and not of native Indians. All of his brothers were fair. Did you mean to say that some rakshasha screwed Kaushalya and that's how a dark colored dumbass Rama was born?

    "The descendants of Ravan like the people who live in a region in Kanpur and mourn Dasshera, AGREE to the events in the Ramayana"
    Oh yeah? When they worship Ravana and curse Rama, O chosen inane one, how do they agree to what is described in Ramayana?

    "Get through your inferiority complex"
    When it comes from one of the damned ilk which has gone beyond limits to shrug off it's inferiority,by collecting and reciting every word of appreciation EVER given by a westerner to India,by believing Vedas to have advanced nuclear technology, by asserting every religion to have Hindu origins and every single great thing in the world to be an oeuvre of some distant, unverifiable, greater Indian people, well it's hard to take the advice seriously.

      Keep it up dude

    2. I respect all your rights to the thoughts on this subject, however those who wish to knock the ramayan do not understand its essence and therefore mock this epic based on pure bordem living as a narsicist who only looks towards disecting every aspect of the ramayan and poking fun at it...clearly you shouldn't even be bothered with writing articles like this as you do not have the morality to even understand this epic. Please engage yourselves in other activities besides writing nonsense on the internet.

  4. i agree with your statement u r correct in ur views.aryans entered this country just like muslims &britishers in order to occupy this country in 1500-3000 bc.dravidians are original indians .dravidaians are defeated in wars by aryans and later they occupied this country and they spread hindu religion in to this country.before that majority of dravidians prayed and worshipped goddess like pochamma ,matamma ,ellamma.mysamma ,poleramma and south india you will somany temples found for this goddess. i strongly say that this brahmins and vyshays ,kshatriyas are not indians .they are migrated from indo european countries.

  5. in india the caste system is very dangerous ,the brahmins feel like a superiors in society and they never treat equal other many villages in andhrapradesh the daliths are not allowed in to temples by uppercastes because the gods and temples belongs to them. iam telling the story of mine iam a dalith from andhrapradesh in my village people never treat as equal as by other upper castes. i never allowed to enter to their temples up to now . i never pray their hindu gods because we have our own culture we pray our gods like pochamma .maathamma ,mysamma ,ellamma ,poleramma .we go to our temples on festivals.according to my view daliths are not hindus ,they are dravidians who were defeated by aryans in wars they were suppresses and they were treated as untouchables by this uppercaste brahmins and aryans.
    1*aryans invaded india and they occupied this country and they spread hindu religion in to this country in 1500-3000 bc .this is fact.
    2.muslims invaded india and they occupied this country and they spread islam in this country.
    ( 900 ad 1500 AD )
    3 britishers invaded invaded india in 1600 AD they spread christianity in this country .

    * by all these people the daliths were suppressed (dravidians)in different certain stage these brahmins called this dravidians as rakshasas .
    the fact is that there was no rakshas in this earth ,who ever wins in the war is called as hero ,the other person is called as willan .the same thing happend in the case of dravidas.

    lostly i say that dravidas are original indians and there was no rakhsas in this earth .brahmins created all these supersticious beliefs in the minds of people.

    1. BRA-MANS are Blood-sucking vegetarians in INDIA.

      They are most shrewed, cunning, coward and thankless creatures of world..

  6. I agree with you Srinivas.

  7. AnonymousMay 19, 2010

    I agree with Srinivas

  8. As someone who is open to all religions, I'm open to various thoughts like this. You're obviously very well versed in Hindu beliefs, but as I am entitled to my own opinion, I do disagree with some of your thoughts. I do not fully believe in all of the stories of hinduism, but they all have morals that they convey, similar to Roman/Greek mythology. I did find some of your statements that say that hinduism is a stupid polytheistic religion, somewhat offensive. You should know enough to understand that there is only one God in Hinduism and that is the Brahman. All other gods are visual representations of some type of aspect in life. Regardless, there's truly no point in creating negativity about the religion of hinduism, as all you've managed to do is cause people to spread more negativity either believing in hinduism as a stupid religion or cause misguided indians to yell incoherantly, due to a disturbed state of mind or lack of knowing the english language.

    It would be easier if you didn't cause such problems by defaming hinduism in any aspect, or any religion for that matter.

    Let all religions do what they were created for: giving people a spritual purpose in life, which they can satisfy.

  9. Religions were not created for fiving people a spiritual purpose in life. They were created to rule over people. To make people blindly follow the orders of the powerful. So, insulting the bullshit known as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, or any other crap is not bad. :)

  10. ghoststerminaterNovember 11, 2011

    What are ghosts?
    Ghosts are hindus who have died.
    Who are the hindus?
    Hindus are ghosts who have not died yet.

    1. most funny joke.......LOL
      i would say it is the JOKE-OF-THE CENTURY


    1. bCOZ Hindu IMMIGRATION VIRUS (HIV) has reached as far as America, Europe and Australia.........

    2. Oh really... How many American engineering graduates u see... U r companies hire local people first and then others.. Ur response shows lack of knowledge in ur own system.. Also, U aare talking of immigration. Whole worlld knows how europeans killed the native Americans..

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