Friday, May 2, 2008

Faith, Reason or Fear?

One thing always plagued me in all discussions related to any belief or conviction: Is it truly possible to convince someone or change someone's views on anything? Not only religion per se (although it is generally the worst scenario ), but in anything.
Do we really accept propositions because we either think or feel (notice the difference) they are right, or do we simply rationalize either an anchor of security passed down to us, or a desire to oppose said notion? Do we really stop to think or to explore any inner feelings before we pass judgment?
This all coming from one definition of "intellectual" once given me as "one who comes totally unarmed of body and mind to a debate, willing and open".

There is a school of thought in Social Sciences that states that people do not change their views; beliefs change mainly because people who believe in them die out, and new generations see things slightly different. I think it is impossible to change a person's basis of reason and logic. Emotions? yes. Reasons? No!

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